Don't for one minute think that price and venue don't influence meaning. Case and point: I hand you a plain piece of paper with my signature in the bottom right corner and I tell you that you can have it for 5 cents - a little more than material cost.
Paper with signature. Neat. |
Now I hand you the same piece of paper and say it is worth 100,000 dollars. That piece of paper now takes on a different meaning. You think twice about it. Is it a one-of-a-kind commentary on society? Why is this worth 100,000 dollars? Surely there is something more to it!
Finally, someone had the nerve. "I get it." |
That piece of paper sells for 100,000 dollars and makes it into a museum or highly esteemed gallery. Now location (and the fact that it sold) builds authority. What does the piece mean now?
This really represented our time. |
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